Had the pleasure of joining some friends out last night for one of NYC's fun festivities: free salsa-dancing social! Now, I am not what I would call a "salsa dancer" though I am trying to take classes and learn more. It is so interesting studying a social dance form - the different implications of it, the choreography and it's relationship with another person, and so on. People-watching in a "social dance social setting" (say that 5x fast!) is incredible, it really gives you a sense of who is comfortable with their handle on the form, who is learning and who is doing their own, uh, drunken salsa version.
A friend of mine and I could not help but watch the most adorable older couple dancing away together. It was a nice reminder of a dance style that's lasted over the years and people of various ages can enjoy. He even turned around and gave his wife a little shaky-shake!
Though the friends I was with are much more comfortable with their salsa dancing skills, I was hesitant to get out on the dance floor. Thankfully, my fabulous teacher came and rescued me from the sidelines and we salsa danced up a storm - it was a nice realization that I can in fact remember "how" if I don't let my long, gangly arms get in the way, and allow him to lead. :) Can't wait to keep it up!
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